On Saturday 27 November, AICA joined forces with the SACATS breeders group and CASA for another 3 show event. The venue was the Durbanville Town Hall, where we always have a lot of visitors. We were privileged to have tw0 visiting judges from Gauteng, joining our local judges.
Hills and Cats Best sponsored the prizes and the Hills representative provided lots of information during the day. The SACATS show ran at the same time as the AICA show. The stewards and exhibitors did a sterling job and everything went smoothly, thanks to our ever efficient secretariat table. Escom's load shedding left us in the dark in the afternoon and necessitated flash photography of the winners, resulting in lots of eye reflections. Please accept our apologies for this. |
Judges Best
CLASS: SPHYNX BLACK CALICO (SPHf09) - CAPE FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE AICA: D GERMISHUYS 63 SA Gr Ch & SA Dbl Gr Pr Exposed Spots Bella of Anastacios CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20121011SPHf09F01 DOB: 2012/10/11 AGE: 2y1m SEX: SF SIRE: SA Tr Sup Ch Exposed Dexter (SPHe32) DAM: Ch Taldi Meers Miss Spot of Exposed (SPH) OWNER: S Lindeque BREEDER: A & T Aldum |
CLASS: RAGDOLL BLUE BI-COLOUR (RAGa03) - CAGCE MALE JUDGE AICA: D SCHEEPERS 45 Junior Ch & SA Trpl Gr Ch Cherie-Lee Adam SACC 213040993 DOB: 2013/04/16 AGE: 1y7m SEX: M SIRE: SA Dbl Gr Ch Waterlee Zakumi of Cherie-Lee (RAGa03) DAM: Airin Ragdoll Leticia (imp) (RAGc04) OWNER: J Van Zyl BREEDER: Owner |
CLASS: ORIGINAL LONGHAIR BLACK SILVER TIPPED (TLHns12) - JUNIOR 6-10 MONTHS FEMALE NEUTER JUDGE AICA: P NEL 8 Misty's Mila CASA WCF/ZA-0215/20140303PERns12F03 DOB: 2014/03/03 AGE: 8m SEX: SF SIRE: Gr Ch L'Dearheart Dionysus of Cherie-Finesse of Misty's (PERns12) DAM: Jalbertus Pandora of Misty's (PER.5.ZKM.02) OWNER: H & S Dirker & Seaton BREEDER: S Seaton |
CLASS: SIAMESE LILAC BASED CARAMEL TABBYPOINT (SIAcm21) - OPEN MALE NEUTER JUDGE AICA: S LINDEQUE 78 Junior Ch Mutti's Sweet Dragon SACC 21401131 DOB: 2014/01/29 AGE: 1y SEX: NM SIRE: Sup Ch My Eden's Mauritius Dell'oneade (imp) RQ (SIA06Pt) DAM: SA Dbl Gr Ch & Sup Ch Mutti's Anna Sui NQ (Sia07Tp) OWNER: M Van Dyk BREEDER: Owner |